Wealth Management for Family Business
Our client experience, financial planning knowledge and proactive mindset enables our clients to have peace of mind, feel empowered and have increased confidence throughout their lives.
A short 30 minute call is all it takes to begin…
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Women and Wealth - Your Money
Feel secure and empowered about your financial future.
A short 15 minute call is all it takes to begin…
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Why Racine Financial​

Founded in 2014, in Port Hope, Northumberland County Ontario, Racine Financial was created to provide comprehensive financial planning and unbiased investment management for families in business who are seeking greater clarity on which path to take.

A Message from Our Founder

As the owner of a family business I understand the challenges and opportunities that arise when families are in business together. When I launched Racine Financial, we shifted to primarily working with family businesses. Whether it be couples, siblings or children working with their parents, it has proven to be very rewarding.

It would be our pleasure to work with you to build a plan for your future.

John Racine Signature
CFP Logo

Certified Financial Planning Professionals

Comprehensive financial planning for business owners.

Investment Management

Independent and unbiased investment solutions for clients with more than $500,000 investable assets.

Group Benefits and Insurance

Helping ensure business owners protect what matters most.

Have peace of mind knowing your money stays with established institutions you can trust.

National Bank Independent Network

Aligned Logo

Understand how we can work for you.

Many clients receive conflicting advice. This curated guide demonstrates how having a wealth building
philosophy can increase your odds of success.

John Racine

John Racine


John is the lead Investment Advisor at Racine Investments of Aligned Capital Partners and a Financial Planner at Racine Financial. With over a decade of experience in the financial services industry, John is always trying to help clients make wise decisions about money.

Jeff Caine

Jeff Caine


Jeff is a Financial Advisor at Racine Financial. Jeff focuses on insurance and group benefits for our business owner clients. Jeff is always working to ensure families have the right coverage in place.

Jemma Racine

Jemma Racine


Jemma is an Associate Investment Advisor at Racine Investments of Aligned Capital Partners and a Financial Advisor at Racine Financial. Money or investing can make people feel uncomfortable and Jemma strives to empower her clients to build a stronger relationship with their money.

Racine Financial

37 Walton St.,
Port Hope, Ontario
L1A 1N2, Canada

905 885 0815

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