
At Racine Financial, we believe that business owners should use insurance as a tool to protect their business and family. We perform a personal and business protection review to better understand your desired outcomes if you were to experience a health issue or pass away unexpectedly.

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Young family outside their home

Essential Coverage

If you were to die unexpectedly, would your family be able to support their currently lifestyle? What does your business look like without you? It is important to determine the right coverage, so that your death does not leave your family and business financially compromised.

A short 30 minute call is all it takes to begin.

Protect Yourself

You are your most important asset. If you are unable to work and earn an income because you become ill or get seriously hurt, your business and family will be left in a difficult position. 

A short 30 minute call is all it takes to begin.

Man working at his small business
Small business warehouse

The Health of Your Company

A group benefits plan provides you and your employees with much-needed health coverage and will assist with medical costs that arise in your family. Benefits are also a great tool to attract and retain employees.

A short 30 minute call is all it takes to begin.

Succession & Legacy

Families in business together can use planning strategies to address the complexities of transferring the business to the next generation. Who is taking over your business and how do we best prepare for that moment? 

Assets like investment accounts, personally owned property and closely held business have tax consequences upon death, often compromising or reducing the inheritance you leave behind for your loved ones. It might be important for us to preserve your assets intact without an unnecessary sale to a third party to cover taxes.

A short 30 minute call is all it takes to begin.

Couple running their own business

Racine Financial

37 Walton St.,
Port Hope, Ontario
L1A 1N2, Canada
905 885 0815

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